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AHS Building Committee Minutes 7/31/2007
JULY 31, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey in the FIP Construction Trailer at the Avon High School job site.  Members Present: Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Douglas Evans and Jim Miller.  Absent: John Papa and Jed Usich.

Dr. Kisiel told the Committee that he walked around the facility yesterday and noted a couple of things. First, one of the scoreboards in the gym is located on the wrong side.  As a result people sitting in the bleachers on one side would have to look past the backboard in order to see and it needs to be taken care of.  The other issue is a wall in the guidance office that was taken down.  This has in effect eliminated a second conference room, and he does not know why that was done.  He would like consideration given to reinstall the wall which would involve a partition and a doorway. Chairman Frey noted that it must have been done according to the plans for the guidance office, and Mr. Shugrue agreed.  Dr. Kisiel said it is important that the wall be reinstalled because it is space that is necessary for a conference room and privacy.  Chairman Frey reported that having the wall put back up would be an added cost.  Mr. Shugrue reported we are racing to the finish line to put the guidance department back together so that is usable here at the end of August and this extra work could not be completed then.  Mr. Shugrue said he will get together after the meeting, with KBA and Dr. Kisiel to figure out exactly where the wall should be installed.  The Committee directed KBA to develop a sketch to reinstall the wall so the work could be priced by FIP Construction. Chairman Frey asked FIP to look at the scoreboards, to see if they are incorrectly located.  Mr. Shugrue said the scoreboards can essentially be located anywhere in the gymnasium.  The concern now would be that in order to relocate them exposed conduit must be installed on the wall to feed the electrical power to the scoreboard.  It was suggested that the conduit be painted to match the walls.      

Chairman Frey reported he is concerned with the location of the screening operation, and asked if it could be moved farther away from the neighbors.  Mr. Shugrue replied that given the limitations of the site it could not be moved further away; however the screening operations will soon be completed.

Mr. Sperry reported a coordination meeting with DOT last week regarding the repaving of West Avon Road and the tie ins to the High School project.  The work has been staked out by DOT and the work will be done at night beginning in September.  DOT has indicated the new traffic light will not be installed for at least a year.   

a.      Replacement of Water Closet
Mr. Shugrue presented a proposal from FIP Construction for the replacement of sixteen water closets from two of the girl’s toilet rooms.  These items had to be removed to allow for the renovation of these bathrooms, and were due to be reinstalled.  At the last meeting Mike Miller expressed his concern about reusing these items due to their age and that they are cracked, leaky and dirty.  FIP is seeking direction on whether or not these should be replaced with new so the bathrooms can be back in service in time for the school year.

Mr. Shugrue reported reviewed change order proposals, #22 and #23, that cover material and labor.  The materials proposal specifies an American Standard toilet with a battery operated flush valve which comes with a seat, bolts and wax ring.  There is also $45 included for the replacement of the flange and the couplings that is below the floors, for a total of $11,121 to purchase these materials. The supplier also provided an alternate to eliminate the battery operated auto flush valve and use a manual valve.  There is a significant savings as the battery operated is $413, and a manual operated is $131.

Mr. Brighenti questioned whether battery flush toilets are required by the ADA?  Mr. Shugrue said no, the battery flush would be only be installed as requested except in handicapped accessible areas as specified.  Mr. Frey questioned why we are paying for labor, because in order for them to install a new tile floor you have to remove the toilets first.  Mr. Shugrue reported this is covered by proposal #23, where he broke out the labor.  He explained that the demolition and architectural drawings do not tell us to remove the fixtures.  If they had been wall-mounted fixtures this would be a mute point.  If the plumbing contractor is not told on the drawings to do some work it does not have to be priced.  However, field conditions dictated that they are in fact floor mounted, and in order to do the job properly the toilets needed to come off.  Chairman Frey said the bidder should have known what he was bidding on, and took a look at what he was bidding on; that this is not something that is unforeseen.  Mr. Brighenti said he believes the cost is high.  

Mr. Miller said it seems to be a failure of coordination between contractors, and that means we are paying for it.  He questioned Mr. Shugrue on what the pay rates are in the plumber’s contract.  Mr. Shugrue replied that we pay prevailing wages and use MCA guidelines an industry standard to determine how much time types of work should take.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve replacement of 16 water closets using the manual flush valves, based on change order #23 and #22.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, and Miller voted in favor.

b.      Media Center Asbestos Abatement
Mr. Shugrue reported the area is actually computer room off of the media center where contractors have found a 600 square foot area of carpeting that has floor mastic containing asbestos.  The finish schedule calls for us to remove the carpet and put new carpet down.  We were able to pull up the carpet and the tile containing asbestos did not come up with it.  To remove it would be pretty expensive because there would be additional costs to dismantle all of that casework and put back in place.  We are also concerned about the timing of it in terms of getting the lab completed, cleaned up and turned over for the opening of school.  We double checked with our environmental consultant, and asked if we are obligated to remove it.  He said no, that it can be encapsulated, by simply putting carpet back down on top.  The asbestos tile can remain as long as we identify that on an as built drawing, so they know about it in case of any cutting or patching of the carpet or any future renovations.  Dr. Kisiel indicated he approved of this approach.

Mr. Shugrue reported there is another asbestos abatement issue that we need to touch on, which has to do with the guidance area.  There is a proposal request issued by KBA to replace a portion of the carpet, so that you would have new carpet throughout the guidance suite, except for the individual offices.  In pulling up that carpet, some of the tile has broken up and needs to be replaced.

On a motion made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve a change order for the abatement project to encapsulate a 600 square foot area with carpeting in the media center, and then proceed with the new carpet in the area of the guidance suite, in the amount of $5,000, as presented.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Miller voted in favor.
c.      Relocation of Football Field Grandstands
Mr. Shugrue reported the press box has been removed so that the new handicapped accessible bleachers can be installed along the center of the field.  In order to install the new equipment, the existing grandstands need to be relocated.  The site contractor is having difficulty doing so, so we are bringing this to your attention. We are working with KBA staff as well as the site contractor to develop a solution to this issue, and need to discuss alternatives with you so that the stands are ready for the fall athletic schedule.

Mr. Shugrue reported both bleachers have been moved, one needs to be leveled, but we have gotten it out of the way, in order to build our new concrete pads for the new center section of bleachers where the press box used to stand.  The removal is in KBA proposal request #13 that allows for the existing bleachers to remain and one new section of bleachers to be installed.  We have already executed a change order that realized a $46,000 credit for the project.  Since then the project has evolved because the State took a look at that new section of bleachers and said it needs to be bigger, in order to be ADA compliant.  KBA reported their original design was done in such a way that we were able to make it ADA compliant with a certain number of seats, without moving the bleachers.  The State came back and looked at the aggregate, and said we have to have a certain percentage of them handicapped accessible.  We worked with the State and resolved that if the bleachers have 9 handicapped accessible seats with the companion seating they can accept that.  Consequently the bleachers now needed to be wider.  We determined that the outside bleachers could be moved, as they are not fastened to the ground, but sitting on wooden skids.  The older center bleachers were much heavier with steel construction and the contractor had difficulty in moving them, but they accomplished it successfully.  Mr. Shugrue reported the contractor had increased cost to make the concrete pad, prep for that pad, to tie in ramps and sidewalks for the new section of bleachers.  We also need to create a stone pad area to slide the existing bleachers onto, and the manufacturer of the bleachers is charging $10,000 to make the bigger bleachers.  The added costs reduce the savings on the bleachers to $18,569.00.  

There may be some further costs to repair rotted boards and skids.  Mr. Frey asked who will determine if the relocated bleachers are safe?  Mike Miller told the Committee Robert Lord has done this work in the past and FIP Construction was directed to retain them to perform an inspection prior to the first football game on September 8th.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approves the changes made to the location of existing and new handicapped bleachers, and their associated costs, as presented.
Messrs: Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Miller voted in favor.

Dr. Kisiel asked FIP Construction if they are on schedule to be ready for the opening school this fall.  Mr. Shugrue said it would be a race to the finish but they would be ready.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest: Betty J. Marsh